Pokeno BARRE Fitness

Mindful Movement
with Samantha Etzel

February 24 (Monday)
at 19:00

Class length
60 minutes

Pokeno BARRE Fitness Studio

spots left

Mindful Movement:  This is an opportunity to use the principles of Yin Yoga, combined with controlled breathing to promote healing within the body and stretch out tired or overworked muscles.  The room is slightly warmed, lights are dimmed, and the purpose of each stretch/hold is to target the deepest tissues of the body, connective tissues (ligaments, joint, bones & deep fascia networks of the body).  This is a passive form of exercise but essential to everyday well-being.

Dress code: Comfortable clothing that you can stretch in (loose top and tights or leggings).  Barefoot or grippy socks.


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